Well, my frogs and froglets, it’s been too long. I am afraid chaos has flodded my life, and my
only boat is a banal and bathetic craft. It has kept me down as much as it has
kept me Plus, I am dating someone, which
means any free time or money automatically becomes hers via some mystical mathematical
equation I do not yet understand.
Last time we spoke I was unemployed. I had all the time in
the world, and let it sputter out like a leak in an oil pan. Drip-drip-drip.
Now I have less time each day, to the tune of 12 hours. I
play “I Have No Idea What I Am Doing” Dog at my company. It’s true! I have only
the foggiest notion of what I am supposed to do. My recently hired coworkers
fair little better, in all honesty.
Thank fully I work a less busy shift, so I can do a trick some wise man
once taught me.
This is an update. If I can maintain some steam, I’ll post
regularly. If not, well, then bork the pie and toss nickels at a clown.
So what’s new:
I got a job. This allows a greater income, but it also
caused me to realize how much time I wasted while unemployed. Seriously – I have
12 hours less a day now. Perhaps it is the fight that makes it easier to do
what needs be done. I dunno, but I feel like my gains are better.
The advantages of my job are that I have plenty of free time
(thanks to my schedule) and there’s a gym on campus. So rather than stuff my
piehole, I exercise at lunch. It’s helping.
I still hate working for someone else. I just hate it less here. Too bad it’s a
I got a girlfriend (yay!), but she lives in Madison. That
means I am hemorrhaging money like a gold question mark block rick in Super Mario. *Ding* there’t goes… *Ding-ding*.
But she’s awesome (for the most part – CAREFUL ICARUS), so I don't mind.
I’ve started drawing again, settling that that is the skill
I wish to study for my “grad degree”. Seriously, it’s taking about as long as
getting a Ph.d. now. So much for
Other than that, I’m just trying to keep it easy. I found a
need way to track what I do called “Life RPG”. However, it takes more work to
write what I need to do rather than just do it. So I suppose it’s “working.”
Just a quick update, my Frogs and Froglets. Stay frosty,
and keep your stick on the ice.
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