Sunday, June 16, 2013

In the early morning, with no place to go.

It's hot as hell where I am. Makes sleeping hard on a man. Went to bed at 2:30 and woke up at 4:30. Felt fine, really. I am sure I'll feel it later. But for now, i took the opportunity to apply for a job and look up getting a US passport. It's something I should have done long ago, but never bothered to. Let's be honest, kittens. Your narrator never thought he'd get a chance to travel outside the US.

Well, with this last application, it's entirely possible that where he is building what he is building will be built in another country.

While you parse that sentence, I shall continue.

So after applying I was full of pent up energy. I had not worked out on Saturday, being too sore and, well, too lazy, quite frankly. My legs were stiff and I was sweating like a pig a hippo in flannel. I figured it's better to sweat to burn calories. So I hopped on my bike and pedaled my fat ass to Starbucks to journal, draw and read.

Did I mention that my lappy and my car died? Then I got an abscess in my jaw.

I tell you, kittens. I have been keeping a right positive attitude. I may have tilted slightly this last week. Just a bit. a few manly tears may have been shed. Many curse words were said. My naturally Pollyanna attitude may have just slightly been shaken.

So now I have "upgraded" from a gas guzzling POS car to a fat guzzling bike. It's for the best. I have a lot of tummy to burn off.  About 294 thousand calories worth. I find numbers like that meaningless. So let's try this:
About 1730 cake pops. Yikes

As confections or cakes go, it's not bad. No fructose and no Hydrogenated oils. But I wouldn't recommend more than one a week.

Sunday mornings, by the by, are magical. The people are firndlier. The atmosphere calmer.

Finally, today's list:

Why MKE hates bicyclists

1) Few trails.
When I lived in Madison, I couldn't kick a n octogenarian hippy without tripping on a bike trail. You never had to take main roads to get anywhere. The Milwaukee sprawl dwarfs Madison, but I find that none of the trails direct me to the places I need to go. This is great when you want a leisurely bike ride. Not so good for getting to work.

2) Cars.
When I lived in Madison, I found the drivers to be somewhat sympathetic to my plight. I am on a vehicle that weighs in at around 30 lbs, huffing and puffing like an asthmatic corgi, with no external armor. Here, in MKE, it's a crap shoot. Some drivers will kindly pass with a wide birth. Some will zip by so closes as to brush your back hair, and some, I believe, will go out of their way to give you a love tap.

3)Weird hills.
OK, so Madison has hills, but they never seemed as bad as here. Except for Monroe street, most of the hills in Madison are short and sweet. Or I imagine they were.
Now, I don't really want to classify as a hill what amounts to a berm with delusions of grandeur, but it is graded as an incline for a mile.

I dunno, maybe I was in better shape in Madison, but fuck my tubby ass with an iron poker it was brutal.

Normally I would source my conclusions. This is not always useful to you, dear readers.

One last bit. Wish your dad a happy Father's Day. Unless he was a grade A dick. If his grade in Dickhead 101 was a B or less*, give him this one day, K? I normally don't like holidays. I must be getting sentimental in my dementia.

Cheers all.

*He'll never get his masters if he doesn't apply himself.

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