Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rant: rated PG-13 for theoretical violence, blood, and language.

Oh Penny, why do I read you? You self-absorbed..darn, I promised to keep this site PG-13, and my name-calling is decidedly NC-17. Ok, Deep Breaths

Ok. So people are mad that she killed her cat, I guess. I honestly haven't been keeping up like you deserve, dear readers. I get my share of smug and self-satisfied at work. But , like I said readers*, you require something interesting to snark at, and I , your humble host, aim for the mark.

The things I do for you. All I ask is that you stay with me.

So she kilned a cat and everybody hates her. This is stupid. They shouldn't hate her for killing a cat. I'll get to why in a second. They should get angry at her for being a naive urbanite who spews pure self-importance and insincere profundity because "Oh Gosh, farm work is hard." Seriously, my dearest fans, we should invest in cars that run on arrogance. But then we'd have to send people into that gaping hole Penny calls a mouth. Nobody wants that.

I wonder if she talks like she blogs. If I had to sit next to her in line at the grocery, I'd stuff Clark bars into my mouth 'till I choked. Organic Clark bars, obviously

Thankfully we poor folk shop at Wal Mart, with occasional forays into the Mexican, Indian and West African grocers for cheap beans and meat. Since it it isn't a Whole Foods Organic Raw Unprocessed Natural Store where the fruits and veggies see a vegetable therapist, I doubt we'll meet.

Man, trolling is fun. I ought write about that. Or Vegetable Therapy. I think it's time we learned how veggies deal with death.

I digress. Back to the Topic. I ramble almost as much as she does.

She mentions that the post on killing her cat was actually about getting paid for a site she doesn't like. Christ, lady, where you a journalist. I learned in High School that you lead with the point. Don't ramble on about the morality of killing a cat when you just want to brag.

Killig n a cat is totally moral. My dad had to kill cats. They got this intestinal disorder where their intestines came out their back end. There's no technical term, or at least Google didn't have one. So he had to kill them. The hard way. We couldn't afford the vet. But we could afford something decidedly low-tech.

Is it easy? No. My dad cried like a baby while doing it. Watching him clutching the cat laying down and he just slid the knife.

But what was his option? Let it die in agony over the next few days? Soldiers know the mercy cut. It's moral. Don't say you don't know. More on that later.

Damn, I'm getting a little misty. and I am starting to seem like I'm defending her (OK, I am, a little). I'm not. Her blog post is mostly about the cat (interesting) and then in wonders into her wondering about morality (boring) and getting paid to link (more boring).

and then she gets a whole bunch of hate mail because of the cat, so she decides to write about that. So rather than tell the people around "fuck off," she grows pedantic and tries to teach us about diversity. As if a white girl from Madison knows shit about diversity.

I don't know diversity. Sure, I have had some diverse friends, but like most people I don't go out of my way to be diverse. I ask some of my friends about diversity. They are experts. They live and work with other cultures. but they didn't do it like a tourist. My friend Adam learned Spanish to talk to the cooks and bus boys where he worked.

I digress again. To get on track, I'll pour battery acid into my eyes. or read her blog again. It's the same thing.

OK, this post is getting long..

She a few good points, but she's a bitch about it. I don't disagree with what she did, it had to be done. But does she have to be so holier-than-thou, so passive aggressive, so...Madison, about it?

Also, people who treat pets with animals can be completely well-adjusted. Or they can be crazy. It's people with blogs that are universally whack jobs.

One last thing, Penny, dearie, you say that morality cannot be absolutely known. You sound like a liberal hippy-dip. You sound like Christians who claim that because we don't know stuff, god exists. I'd expect more of you, but honestly, I read your blog.

Just because we don't know absolutely what is moral, doesn't mean we are rudderless. I'll prove it to you (and use Godwin's Law, to boot).

Killing cats, Beating your wife or husband, Killing Jews.
Put them in moral order.

If we absolutely cannot make moral decisions - if morality is purely subjective and contextual, then -stay with me here, you are saying that in some context killing an entire ethnicity is morally superior to putting down a cat.

In what universe is this true? Maybe it's a space-angel cat?

OK, enough, this post is way too long as it is.

Studied Russian and rode my bike today.

1 comment:

  1. My grandpa had to kill kittens because otherwise they would starve to death out on the farm. Why they didn't fix the mothercat is beyond me...
