Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Looks like someone had a "case of the Mondays"

"I believe you'd get your ass kicked saying something like that, man" -Lawrence. Office Space

I have a serious case of "the Tuesdays." That's when at the end of "the Mondays" your immune system creates Sarcasmochondria and Cynicalia cells to combat the flu-like symptoms.

They say nothing worth having comes easy.
I think we should punch them and take their stuff. That'd be pretty easy once we find who "they" are. And it would be totally worth it.

It's come to my attention that my goals might not be realistic enough. Perhaps. But I have not figured out what goals are "realistic," meaningful, and not tedious.

Just read "The Dip" by Seth Godin. It was kind of useless. It is filled with cliches and platitudes about when to quit something because it's not working out. Not a lot of specifics. In fact, it's points on when to quit are suitably vague. Is something becoming hard because it's hard or because it's a "dip", that is, the low point after the honeymoon of beginning a project has worn off.

I am already hitting my dip.

This morning:
1) 700 ML of ice cold water
2) 2 oz of Treet
131 calories 11 grams of fat, 3 of carbohydrates, and 6 of protein.

Because life is hard, unless you look like this:*

Then you get the world handed to you. Often by sad, pathetic men.

*Be thankful that I did not post her Youtube channel. She gets about 1 million views on each. I certainly cannot understand why. /sarcasm.

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