Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rather Depressing Day

I am finding that I am addicted to starchy carbohydrates. This isn't just a "put the food down" sort of issue anymore.

For instance:
My roommate, when he tries to quit smoking, becomes irritable.

I become irritable when I don't eat starchy carbohydrates

My roommate smokes when nervous, upset, or bored

I eat when I am nervous, upset, or bored.

I also sneak food, hide my eating (which this blog was supposed to fix) and obsess about eatign and nutrition (which this blog is a symptom).

Obesity is not a disease. it's a symptom of food addiction. "Just putting down" the twinkie works about as well as "just putting down" the cigarette. If you can, then great, you aren't addicted. . if you can't, it's useless advice.

Basically, the dopamine and seratonin receptors in my brain are acclimated to High fat, High Carbohydrate foods.

It takes three days to get over it. Unfortunately, this means I need at least 3 days off of work, because my work is stressful enough that, about halfway through a shift I need a carb fix or I will murder someone. I have no doubt that this is exactly what it is like for a smoker.

I believe (without any evidence) that everyone is wired to get addicted to something. In my roommate's case, it's cigarettes. In my case, it's food.

I was so angry at work today. I was struggling to remember solutions to common problems. I was struggling to control calls. I realize that some of this is beyond the scope of eating, but much of my issue stems from a lack of carbs. Once I ate a large portion of potato chips and drank some sugary cocoa, I was fine, productive, and well-adjusted.

This hostility immediately on a no carb diet, and after a week or two oon the slow-carb diet.

I went on a bike ride oday. I rode for an 2 hours today. That and Russian language lessons, are something.


  1. Exercise is my anti-food and my anti-nicotine. I know from lots of experience that if I commit to a workout on any given day, I cannot smoke or overeat before that workout. I guess I've been doing it long enough to know just how shitty I'll feel if I overeat (plus making it more likely that I won't go at all) and how weak I'll feel if I smoke beforehand. Even if my cigarette is two hours prior to a workout, it will ruin my stamina. Just choose distractions that are complicated enough to, well, distract you. And the next time someone tells you to just "put it down", tell them where you're going to stick it if you're going to put it down :)

  2. By the way, I am incredibly "obsessed" with nutrition science, which is why I'm commenting on your blog more than any of my friends' blogs. I support you all the way Jay. I'm struggling with being a foodie while wanting to be an extreme athlete and I have to find a compromise somewhere!

  3. I wonder if doing more whole grain products to give you slow burning carbs would have a similar effect?

    Wheat berries boiled in water, drained, seasoned with cumin and salt are amazing. Probably too high in sugars though (but the fiber cancels part of it, right?).

  4. Tom: I know, loving food - any food, from the sloppiest third-rate cheeseburgers to the finest food, makes dieting hard. Proper planning helps, but without a car, I am not as able to go where I will.

    But choosing what to eat on cheat day is a big deal. And convincing my roommate that we should only eat out on cheat day is even harder. BBQ? Sushi? Mexican? Sammich? Ah, screw it, I'll just do Little Caesar's Pizza!

    I imagine I'd have an easier time staying on my diet in Madison. In Madison, I rarely ate and socialized with my roommates.

    I gave up training for anything big, I'll explain why in today's post.

    All carbs are bad for me, though Lentils are really the best option so far. Wheat berries do sound tasty.

    i just found out the lentils I eat have added sugar in them. What the shit is that!
