Tuesday, May 24, 2011

We now know a thousand ways not to build a lightbulb.

I normally don't like to quote Edison. But that's the most positive spin I can put on today.

I reflected as I went to my local cookie-dealer to score some second-rate chocolate chip cookies. I'm not part of this "obesity" is a disease crowd. I more of a Ricky Gervais fan when concerning fatties like me.

However, it's more complicated than that. Our brains are pretty crazy.

We say "just don't eat." or "put down the fork."

Truth is, our brains are wired to like Seratonin and Dopamine. That's it. That's all we like.
Our brains are chemically dependent on these, too. If people have less dopamine receptors, or uptake seratonin too fast, then you need to replace it so you feel "normal"

A study found that rats exposed to too much fatty food have less dopamine receptors than those rats not exposed to human foods. When taken off, it took them too weeks to normalize.

So, very much, you can replace food with cigarettes and it's the same story.

I have never had a problem with cigarettes. I smoked for two years, then just quit. Easy-peasy. no cravings whatsoever.

"But!" I hear smokers cry, "I have been smoking since I was sixteen! You only smoked two years."
Well, yes, but I have been overeating for nearly 30.
And Ricky says you gradually build up to that weight, and he is right. Just as we gradually go from a sigarette here and there to a 2 pack a day habit. Same with Alcoholics. they never start thinking "I'm going to drink myself stupid every night."

Now, i won't argue that I'll put down the burger when you put down the smokes. I don't care if you smoke. I am just informing you that food is a drug, just the same. It affects how your brain works.

The last time I changed my diet, I ate right for about 2-3 weeks before I got used to it. During this time I was cranky and slept a lot. I was unemployed. It took only a few days of overeating to return to the old ways.

I think that's why a habit takes 21 days. It seems that's about how long it takes your brain to get chemically used to it.

And during that time, any excuse to indulge is acceptable.

When I got to my dealer, he had discount pizza rolls. So what the hell, right?
I remember my first pizza roll. It was free. The first one is always free. Pretty soon you are giving hand jobs in the alley for McDonald's gift certificates.

Anyway, I'm hopped up on dopamine now, so I am going to cut this short.
I was going t wax philosophical and practical on the causes overeating, but isntead I will leave you with this:

1) I need a solution for my overeating. "Just stop" and "just accept" are not satisfactory

2) I have several friends who drink more than they eat. One, in particular drank quite a bit one day. i asked him what he had eaten that day, he said "A glass of milk." Likewise, my friends who smoke also tend not to eat. So maybe I should take up smoking and drinking?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. No dear, of course you shouldn't take those up! Never replace a vice with another vice. Although eating is not a vice, but a necessity. Personally I find the rubber band on the wrist thing helpful at times. Counting calories works for me, too. The biggest thing is to remember not to punish yourself. Besides, I don't know about you but I'd rather be fat and alive than skinny and stuck halfway through a windshield after a long night of drinking.
