Saturday, May 21, 2011

What I got done today.

Today I finished the Apology of Socrates. Nothing new, really. I had known these arguments from philosophy 101, when I had read it previously.

I also worked on Russian. I did not get very far. I can say about 4 things in Russian. Which is more than yesterday.

I tried to study at the bookstore, but they replaced the coffee shop with a damned frozen yogurt stand. The music they played was terrible; I think it was pop. I was desperate to listen only to the Audiobook. the volume of the music made that difficult. then a gaggle of kids showed up, shouting at each other over the damned music.

So I moved over to the food court, found the farthest corner from everyone, and suddenly I was surrounded by extremely rude employees of the mall, for whom talking loudly was not enough. They also decided bumping my table and my chair was also appropriate behavior. it wasn't like I was reading, or anything.

for those of you who say "You were at the mall, what did you expect?" I say "Honestly, a coffee shop in a quiet bookstore."

In addition to Russian I started parsing Spanish grammar. I also wrote an outline for the first chapter of my book.

It has been brought to my attention that the message is lost if the medium is incorrectly used. I shall attempt to use online resources to learn to type. I do hope you realize the sacrifice this means. All typing lessons are tedious. No matter how many dancing teddy bears and smiling anime cats they put on the screen, they cannot seem to get around the fact that all you are doing is pushing jkkjffdd for minutes on end. I'd rather get mauled by badgers.

This post probably took me a half an hour to write, just so you are aware of how long it takes for me to type.

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